Eager (9 out of 10 ) My favourite horror movie by far. It scares the shit out me without any stupid jumpscares and creepy monsters. It scares you by letting you wonder what the heck is wrong with all of those people. And it makes you think that people are far more horrible than any imaginable monser.
Peter (5 out of 10 ) Growing suspense and mystery mounts until discussion of brain transplant ensues. Far- fetched science rendered a plausible-and I mean remotely plausible plot dead in its tracks. (Suspension of disbelief) I laughed through the rest of the script from that point forth, like I do when a poorly crafted alien being first appears in a suspenseful movie-only to disappoint and cheapen an otherwise well developed storyline/plot. Had its moments, until the air wheezed out of this balloon entirely.
Arpit (10 out of 10 ) This is one the most wickedly original and wildly entertaining movies of all time. And the subversion of the whole horror genre with its racial discrimination statement is one for the ages.
Rachael (10 out of 10 ) This is one of my favorite movies of all time and the writing, cinematography, and overall story changed the game for psychological thrillers.